Student Solution


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1 Subject

Juvenile Justice System Wk 1 Dq3, 4 And 5

Juvenile Justice System  Wk 1 Dq3, 4 And 5

Q Listen to the week one video and share your thoughts.Yes, unfortunately some states believe 16 and 17 year olds are adults under the criminal law which I do not agree with. We all know their are certain cases which are extreme but for the most part most 16 and 17 year olds are kids, therefore should be dealt with that way. Thoughts?Unfortunately the upbringing of some of the families that come through the juvenile system are not on the up and up. If you can break the barrier with the parents and get them on board, chances are you can be successful. Thoughts?

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The week one video conveys to us the overall idea and materials that we are going to learn. The differences between the juvenile courts and adult courts have really been put forward in an eloquent manner. The whole video gives us an idea about what constitutes juvenile behaviour and how there are different terminology as compared with the adult crimes. The word delinquent behavior is used not crime for juveniles. It was really enlightening to know about the different terminologies, such as dependency courts. There are many parameters against which delinquent behavior is judged and it is quite difficult to apply.